Help over the phone and online
You can talk about your problems and worries anonymously through various help lines and chat-boxes.
- Tele-Onthaal is a free of charge helpdesk that works over the phone. They can offer you support when you are having difficulties. You can call them at nummer 106 every day, 24/7. One of the volunteer experts will gladly listen to your story. You can also chat with one of the experts. Chatting online is possible on Wednesdays from 15h, and on other days from 18h.
- Zelfmoordlijn (suïcideline) is free of charge available day and night by calling nummer 1813 . You can also chat with experts online, every day from 19h until 21h30.
- Druglijn (drugline) is available from monday until friday from 10u until 20u by calling nummer 078 15 10 20 (this number is not free of charge).
- Holebifoon here you can contact free of charge an expert volunteer on the following number nummer 0800 99 533 on monday, wednesday and thursday from 18u30 until 21u15. To chat is also possible.
- Hulplijn misbruik, geweld en kindermishandeling (helpline abuse, violence and childabuse) is a free of charge telephone helpline, where experts can help you further. This helpline is available 24 hours on 24 by calling number 1712.
On the internet you can find a lot of information on mental health and psychological issues. offers a lot of information on these problems and they provide the right way towards help.